Project Scope

Literature Survey

Extensive and prolonged use of keyboards can cause Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) conditions like Carpel Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). This is even more common among programmers, especially ones who have worked in the industry for some time [1]. As a solution people turned to voice coding (Coding with their voice). Research have been conducted on coding with voice [2] and generating HTML documents with voice [3]. Various products and tools exist for coding with voice but there are significant gaps in their functionality.



[2] S. Hossain, M. A. Emi, M. H. Mishu, R. Zannat and Ohidujjaman, "Code generator based on voice command for multiple programming language," in ICCNT, Kharagpur, 2021  

[3] H. Chadha, S. Mahtre, U. Ganatra and S. Pathak, "HTML Voice," in International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation, 2018

[4] "Ergonomic Trends," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 1 September 2022]

Figure 1. Percentage of surveyed that identify with pain in that region. [4]

Research Gap

Currently available research and tools for voice coding have the following gaps.

Hard to install and setup

Not made for coding specifically

Phonetic alphabets

Less interactive

Research Problem

Delivering an,
Intelligent, Interactive, Conversational

Voice based voice coding tool ​with great user experience that can be easily integrated into a programmer’s workflow.  

Research Objectives

Implementing an intelligent voice coding system which

Recognizes input issued in natural language

Allows for conversational interaction when coding

Mimics humanlike code manipulation

Provides optimum auditory and visual feedback

Voice analysis and input identification unit

Transcribes voice into text 

Classifies input 

Identifies input

Code Manipulator / Generator

Reads and indexes the codebase 

Listens to changes in the codebase 

Generates new code 

Manipulates existing code

Auditory Feedback Unit

Uses RASA framework to intelligently generate feedback 

Uses text to speech to give out voice feedback

Visual Feedback

Communicates with the standalone server 

Places the code in the correct locations in the files
Provide visual feedback to the user 

Provide an interactive interface for the user to interface with

Technologies Used